
Experimental archaeology

    This activity took place from 25/09/2021 to 12/10/2021 under the supervision of Davide D’Errico (Fig. 14). It aimed at reproducing different uses of ancient obsidian tools on different materials, in order to create usewear traces and polish to be compared with those highlighted on ancient artefacts from Tsiteli Gorebi 5.
    The first step, before the arrival of Mr. D’Errico, consisted of collecting the raw material for the tools. This was done by members of the expedition during an excursion at the Chikhiani volcano, close to lake Paravani, one of the obsidian sources that archaeometric analyses hade confirmed for the Tsiteli Gorebi 5 obsidian. Different vegetal and animal materials were also collected: for the first category wheat stems, wood (trunks and branches), reeds and rush; for the second one fresh and dry bone, as well as a fresh veal skin.
    During the second step of the experiment, Davide D’Errico, assisted by members of the expedition, produced obsidian lithic supports by chipping obsidian cores for the production of laminar and flake supports.
    During the third step, these tools were used for experiments involving cutting and scraping wood, cutting reeds, reaping cereals, butchery activities, working bone and leather. The objects used during the experiments were exported to Italy, together with the casts made of them on the spot after use. Both will be analysed there and used as a comparison for the archaeological artefacts.