Sandro Gallo

I, Sandro Gallo, was Born in Venice on May 30th 1914. I had dedicated my life to education, studying at the Foscarini lyceum and teaching in various schools until October 27, 1939. As a strong antifascist and a communist, I firmly believed in the principles of equality, freedom, and justice for all. I stood firmly against war. As a teacher, I was particularly affected by the actions of my students who participated in the pro-war manifestations. I knew that it was my duty to make sure they understand the gravity of their choices. So, in the autumn of 1940, when I met my students at the Benedetti high school, I made sure to express my strong anti-war views. One of my students recounts: “I remember when Mr. Gallo found out that some of us participated in the pro-war demonstrations, he took a strong stance against it and gave us poor grades on our history and philosophy exams as a form of protest and a pedagogical tool to make us think critically about our actions. Through his actions, the Benedetti high school became a center of anti-fascist initiatives.”


Sandro Gallo – details