Angelo Coatto

Hello everyone, I introduce myself, I’m Angelo Coatto and I was born on August the 7th 1914
in Vicenza. During my childhood, following the family, I had to move to Verona, where I began my elementary and middle school studies, then we moved directly to Venice where my parents took up permanent residence. In 1928 I enrolled in the Giovanni Battista Benedetti scientific high school, where I remained until 1933, and in the meantime I approached the organizational life of the Giac circle of the Madonna dell’Orto parish. The passion and dedication I showed in the associative sphere allowed me to take on tasks of greater responsibility also in the diocesan center of the Veneto capital, where, over time, I became the animator of the middle school student movement, so much so that I was designated diocesan delegate. Later in 1942 l was assigned as a second lieutenant doctor until I was captured in 1944.
On November 11th 1942, i left for the occupation zone in France as a medical second lieutenant of the 2nd battalion of the Piave motorized division. I am completely alien to any fascist ideality of this war which I feel is unjust and inopportune. In March 1944 after having openly sided in support of some Venetian medical colleagues who were under German threat. In this context, on 16th September 1944 me and my collaborator Victor Putinja were identified during a round-up operation on our way to help the wounded.


Angelo Coatto – details