
Geomorphological survey

    During one week, from 27/08 to 04/09/2011, dr. Stefano Furlani continued the geological and geomorphological survey of the Shida Kartli region which had been started in 2009, the aim of which is to produce a geomorphological map of the region (Fig. 13), in order to analyse the relation of the archaological sites with the ancient natural environment, and to reconstruct, on the basis of satellite images and autoptic observation, the ancient hydrographical system of the Kura river basin in the province. This year’s campaign was especially devoted to the Khashuri district, which was systematically surveyed, and to the immediate neighbourhood of the Natsargora site. One and half days were spent in the Kareli area, in order to clarify some still unsolved questions concerning the shifting in historical times of the bed of the Kura river.
    Preliminary results of the geomorphologist team work have been published in: S. Furlani, A. Stinghen, L. Bertoldi, E. Boaretto, A. Bondesan, D. Kuparadze, M. Massironi, G. Monegato, E. Rova, Integrating Archeological and Geomorphological Data to evaluate the Late-Holocene Behaviour of the Kartalini Basin (Georgia), Il Quaternario - Italian Journal of Quaternary Sciences 24 (Special number, Abstracts AIQUA, Roma 02/2011) 2011, 186-188. In the framework of the project, a MA thesis about “The Tectonic and Geomorphological Evolution of the Kartalini Basin, Georgia” was discussed at Padova University in March 2011.