Synagogue, Via San Francesco 19

From two letters written to Carlo Morpurgo by internees in fascist camps:

Casoli, 30 September 1940

Dear Mr. Doctor, On the occasion of the beginning of our New Year, I think of you,
dearest Mr. Doctor, with always undiminished admiration, recalling your activity dedicated with such goodness and spirit of sacrifice to the work of good in favor of our brothers in misfortune. […]

Isaac Harnik (interned in Casoli Camp)

Ferramonti-Tarsia, li 24/VI/1942 (Cosenza)

Dear Dr. Morpurgo!
Please excuse my freedom by writing to you even though I do not know you personally […] . Having heard of your generosity and good heart for the internees and especially for the children, I have decided after long reflection to draw your attention to this case of particular importance […]

. Dr. Erich Cohn (director of the Ferramonti Tarsia camp school)

To learn more, touch the stone

Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Trieste

Morpurgo, Carlo Nathan (1890–1944)