Anselmo Forti (1863 – 1944)

Anselmo Giuseppe Forti. Source: Yad Vashem

Anselmo Giuseppe Forti was born in Venice on 24 May 1863. He was the son of Felice Forti and Regina Basevi and husband of Amelia Forti.
On 17 August 1944 he was arrested together with other guests of the Aged Care House, among whom was his sister Anna.

After being transferred to the Risiera di San Sabba he was deported to Auschwitz where he was murdered on 7 September 1944.
Two stumbling stones dedicated to Anselmo and Anna were laid on 27 January 2022.

Source: IVESER

Stumbling stone dedicated to Anselmo Giuseppe Forti, Campo del Ghetto Novo, Cannaregio 2874