Calle dei Fabbri, San Marco 4672

From the testimony of Vincenzo Pappalettera, deported together with Emilio Scarpa to Mauthausen:

Emilio Scarpa is for us a good father, an old socialist persecuted since 1922, he suffered confinement, jail and sabotage in his profession as a film director. All this has increased in him the passion in the ideal, even here he speaks of it with such enthusiasm that he is able to infect us. From him I finally understood who Matteotti was, and why the fascists killed him. Emilio tells the adventurous story to print and distribute a clandestine newspaper, the AVANTI! Emilio Scarpa died on 15/5/1945 just after the liberation of the camp by American troops, far from his beloved city, Venice, without savoring the beloved freedom.

Vincenzo Pappalettera, Tu passerai per il camino, Edizioni Mursia, Milan, 1965, p. 44.

Scarpa, Emilio (1895–1945)