Santa Lucia Train Station

The railway station was the scene of numerous events, often tragic and mournful, linked to the history of the Venetian Resistance. At platform 8, it is in fact possible to read the names of some fallen for the Resistance or protagonists of acts of sabotage among railway personnel.

Also remembered is Bartolomeo Meloni, coordinator and deputy to the logistics of the station, deported to Dachau and never returned. Capotreno was also the only “structured” partisan among the martyrs of the Cannaregio massacre: Piero Favretti.

The railway workers were “the first category of workers able to plan an organized and effective resistance against the Nazi-Fascist forces. Twenty years of fascism had not prevented the older ones from forming their younger colleagues even politically. The fact that the railway club in Venice had been hit several times by the fascist squads in the twenties had probably fueled the proposals for revenge of at least a part of them.

Giulio Bobbo, Venezia in tempo di Guerra 1943-1945, pref. Mario Borghi, il Poligrafo, Padova, 2005, p. 115.

Santa Lucia Train Station