Calle dei Tredici Martiri EN

From the last letter of Violante Momesso – written a few days before the shooting – to his family.

From my captivity.

Dear all, also this time I hope you will have this letter that will bring you the good state of my health and so I would like to hope that it will be the same as all of you. (…) The hour for us (I already feel it) is about to play. Sad and cruel fate. No human being can imagine what suffering and suffering we are subject to. Imagine that we stayed, indeed they left us (the fascist tyrants) for about five days without water. To eat very little. Water, water, and a small piece of bread. However, I always give myself courage because as I mentioned earlier we are close, very close. Tell him, dear mother to my companions, that they be ready for any intervention and if it is necessary to shed blood for freedom. A kiss to Wally and a hug to you all.

Aff. Son Dante Violante

G. Turcato, A. Zanon Dal Bo (a cura di), 1943-1945 Venezia nella Resistenza, Comune di Venezia, Venezia, 1976

Calle dei Tredici Martiri / Ca’ Giustinian