Riva of the Seven Martyrs

From the testimony of “Marco” (Giuseppe Turcato)

The facts according to some testimonies and our memories, went like this. (…) On the night of August 1-2 (according to the German version) a sentry was “murdered”. The Venetian Resistance rejected all charges of this alleged assassination. The events that led to the disappearance and death of this sailor were of a very different nature. That night (or, perhaps, the night before) the crew of one of these destroyers celebrated until late in the day something we ignore. (…) The Germans thought of an attack; regardless of the ascertainment of the facts, which could not take place immediately, they blamed the Resistance movement; they wanted an immediate reprisal, referring, as justification, to an armed clash that took place in December 1943. The victims of this were seven men imprisoned for several months.”

G. Turcato and A. Zanon Dal Bo (ed.), 1943-1945. Venezia nella Resistenza , Venezia, Comune di Venezia, 1976, pp. 235-242.

Riva of the Seven Martyrs