Campo del Ghetto Novo, Cannaregio 2874

“All Jews, even if discriminated against, to whatever nationality they belong and in any case resident in the national territory must be sent to special concentration camps; all their movable and immovable property must be subject to immediate seizure pending confiscation in the interest of the Italian Social Republic … “Meanwhile, let the Jews be concentrated in provincial concentration camps waiting to be reunited in specially equipped concentration camps.”

By this order of 30 November 1943, the Italian authorities had officially taken the initiative of persecuting the lives of Jews.

In the summer of 1944, a group of SS, which had come from Treblinka under Franz Stangl, was particularly active in the search for and deportation of Jews. In a first raid, the SS deported about 90 people, including twenty-two over-seventy-year-old guests of the Nursing Home and chief rabbi Adolfo Ottolenghi.

Riccardo Calimani, Storia del Ghetto di Venezia, Rusconi, Milano, 1985, p. 467 – 469; Michele Sarfatti, Gli ebrei nell’Italia fascista. Vicende, identità, persecution , Einaudi, Torino,
2007, p. 269

Abolaffio, Regina (1870–1944)

Ancona, Ada (1873 – 1944) Ancona, Ida (1871 – 1944)

Bassani, Edoardo (1876 – 1944)

Israelite Age Care House (1943 – 1945)

De Leon, Rosa (1878–1944)