Campo drio la Chiesa, Cannaregio 4468

After 8 September 1943 he joined the Action Party and began his activity of resistance and sabotage, tampering with the trains used by German soldiers. On October 4, 1943, he was captured and imprisoned in the city prison of Santa Maria Maggiore and later deported to Dachau, where he died on July 9, 1944. Don Giovanni Fortin, his fellow prisoner, remembers him as follows:

We met in the first days and there we exchanged our impressions; and I say the truth, I have never found asoul so open, asoul so profoundly knowledgeable of human misery, asoulthat truly felt the throbbing of love and fraternal tenderness for the suffering.”

Armando Gravagnin, one of the founders of the Action Party and mayor of Venice after the Liberation, remembers meeting Meloni, and describes him with these words:

I was convinced that Meloni was really the first among the railway workers, the first by spontaneous, natural, not questionable election, the first because he was the best.

Meloni, Bartolomeo (1900 – 1944)