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Research outputs


Antonetti, Claudia; De Notariis, Bryan; Enrico, Marco (eds.). "Wine Culture: Gandharan Crossroads" (provisional title). Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. [in preparation].
De Notariis, Bryan (2022). “The Buddhist Text Known in Pāli as Milindapañha and in Chinese as Nàxiān bǐqiū jīng 那先比丘經. Some Philological Remarks and the Problem of the Archetype”. Bhasha, 1(1), pp. 111-132, full text
De Notariis, Bryan (forthcoming). “Where is Grape Wine? On Grapes and Wine in Pāli Buddhist Literature and Beyond”. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.
De Notariis, Bryan. “Revisiting Levman’s view on the Milindapañha”. [Article submitted to the Journal Asiatique].


A collection of bibliographical sources has been collected and made publicly available on Zotero. The bibliography has been exported in RIS file format and uploaded on Zenodo, where it received a proper DOI.


27 February 2023 - Bryan De Notariis "Buddhismo, bevande inebrianti, norme e tradizioni locali", lecture within the "Thematic Seminars (South Asia)" organized by Luca Maria Olivieri, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
15 November 2022 – Marco Enrico, “Νῦν χρῆ μεθύσθην: simposio e vino dalla Grecia all’India”, lecture within the BA course in “Greek History”, University of Genoa, Italy.
14 April 2022 – Andrea Drocco and Bryan De Notariis “Parla il re Aśoka: proviamo a leggere un’epigrafe in brahmī”, workshop to high-school students (online).