A “LIFE” Recognition for the Fifth Grade Students of San Vito al Torre School

On May 30, 2024, at the Municipal Hall, the fifth-grade students of San Vito al Torre Primary School (UD) were presented with a copy of the publication “Our Pollinator Friends.” A technical officer from the Biodiversity Service then explained the interventions carried out by the Region as part of the Life Project in favor of pollinators.
The delivery of the volumes represents recognition from the Region and the Municipality for the initiative to request the establishment of a contest dedicated to “San Vito in Bloom,” which the school students, through a beautiful letter, addressed to the Acting Commissioner Silvia Zossi. She enthusiastically embraced the proposal, which was born from the initiative of the young citizens. Two officials from the Biodiversity Service were then called to be part of the jury to evaluate, alongside other aspects, the many small but important initiatives that can be implemented within gardens or on private citizens’ balconies to support pollinators and, more generally, biodiversity.
The students will return to action in the final phase of the contest to assign the top rankings by reviewing the images that a professional photographer will take during the three site inspections planned by the Jury members.