February, March and April 2024 to raise awareness about the activities of LIFE PollinAction and to promote the Stable Grasslands Project of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in Italy.

An evening dedicated to stable meadows and pollinators

On March 22nd at 8:30 PM, a “informative evening dedicated to the meadows and pollinators” was held at the Cataloguing Center of Magredi in S. Quirino. It featured a screening of the Multivision “Our Pollinator Friends” by nature photographer Sergio Vaccher, followed by a presentation of the Life Magredi Grasslands and Life PollinAction projects by Stefano Fabian from the Biodiversity Service of the FVG Region. Around eighty people attended the event, and a significant amount of informative material produced within the scope of the two projects was distributed to the participants.