Yesterday, June 5, 2024, marked the conclusion of the fifth training day of the course organized by the Biodiversity Service for regional employees, titled “Life PollinAction: the importance of pollinating insects for biodiversity and ecosystem services.”
The course was offered in two editions, each lasting 12 hours, and involved a total of 71 regional employees, primarily working in the forestry and agriculture sectors. Stefano Fabian, the technical manager of the Life Project, was able to illustrate the objectives and results achieved during the Life Project, both in the classroom and outdoors. During visits to the two Natura 2000 sites “Greto del Tagliamento” and “Magredi di Pordenone,” participants were able to appreciate and witness firsthand the significant recovery, enhancement, and improvement of meadows undertaken over the years by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region for the benefit of pollinating insects. The blooms produced by the restored permanent meadows generated great amazement and enthusiasm among all participants.