CLE 00316 = CIL 08, 01654 = ILCV 04846 = ILTun 01588
[...]arias defendit in antro
[...]s conseruat in alt[o.]
[...]arias; Hic est qui pecud]es suppl. Lavrov
[...]s; [montibus et uenatore]s suppl. Lavrov
Provincia: Africa Proconsularis / Località: Sicca Veneria / El Kef
Datazione: 313-600 d.C.
Reference basis text: CLE 00316
Editing of the digital edition: A. Prontera, 2022
Lavrov = S. Lavrov, ЭПИГРАФИЧЕСКIЯ ЗАМѣтки (trad. Note epigrafiche), "Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosvieshcheniia" 303, 1896, pp. 47-51
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