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September 2023

Cornelian Cherry


Cornelian Cherry An ancient plant In the spring, the Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) blooms in our forests with small yellow flowers clustered here and there in inflorescences on still bare branches. The Cornelian cherry can be found in clearings and at the edges of deciduous forests, both in the plains and in the mid-mountain areas. Its fruits ripen gradually in late summer, and their decorative effect is remarkable: in fact, you can find fruits of all shades on the same plant, from green to bright red. The Cornelian cherry plays an important role for pollinators : its small yellow flowers [...]

Cornelian Cherry2023-10-03T09:19:00+02:00



Comfrey To mend broken bones... Comfrey (scientific name Symphytum officinale) is an herbaceous plant of the Boraginaceae family. Its stems, reaching heights of up to 120 cm, rise at the edges of ditches, streams, and very damp areas. The pendulous and bell-shaped flowers are gathered in panicles and can be white-purple, pink, or violet, but always of the same color in each plant. This plant has a long corolla, and only insects with a long mouth apparatus can reach the nectar. Sometimes smaller Hymenoptera are forced to pierce the flower wall, and when this happens, the insect does not come [...]


The initial results at the San Michele biodynamic farm. 🦋


I primi risultati, con LIFE PollinAction, presso l'azienda agricola biodinamica San Michele #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #EUpollinators #impollinatori #api #farfalle LIFE Programme LIFE 4 Pollinators Legambiente Onlus LIFE Greenchange Life BEEadapt LifeGate Ca' Foscari Sostenibile United Nations Biodiversity LovePlantLife Seeds ConservePlants LIFE 4 Pollinators

The initial results at the San Michele biodynamic farm. 🦋2023-10-03T09:07:36+02:00

Common drone fly


Common drone fly The "bee" fly Although it resembles a bee, the Common drone fly (Eristalis tenax) is actually a Dipteran (a relative of flies) and belongs to the Syrphid family. Its appearance is similar to that of a common bee but can be distinguished by its plumper body, the lack of a constriction between the abdomen and thorax, and having only 2 wings instead of 4. The Common drone fly is probably the most common species of Syrphid in Europe and can be observed from April to October on flowers while feeding on nectar Did you know? The larvae [...]

Common drone fly2023-10-03T09:35:00+02:00

Caglio zolfino 🌼🌾🌿


Lady's bedstraw Lady's bedstraw (scientific name Galium verum) is a very graceful plant, which sways in the wind with its golden yellow flowering stems. 30-90 cm tall, belongs to the Rubiaceae family. The leaves are arranged in a star shape, both on the stems and on the side branches. The yellow flowers are arranged in dense and long panicles ; their pollination takes place mainly through flies and beetles . Throughout Europe yellow flowers were used in the past to curdle milk to produce cheese (hence the name "Galium", from the Greek gála = milk). Lady's bedstraw grows in arid [...]

Caglio zolfino 🌼🌾🌿2023-09-08T15:07:00+02:00

Osmia cornuta


Osmia cornuta A solitary wild bee Osmia cornuta belongs to the Megachilidae family and is one of the most common species of wild bees in Europe. It's a solitary bee that doesn't form colonies and doesn't produce honey. Each female lays her own eggs. It has thick hair and a black-rust coloration. It plays a vital role in pollinating many types of fruit trees because it's one of the first bees to become active, often starting in early March. Did you know? Osmia cornuta nests in holes in wood and walls, using dry stems as well. It can even nest [...]

Osmia cornuta2023-09-08T15:03:43+02:00

August 2023

Bitter willow 🌳🌿


Bitter willow The bitter willow (Salix eleagnos) is a small tree that grows to a height of 7-8 meters, sometimes reaching 15 meters. It lives along rivers and streams, occasionally even in the damp sands of riverbeds that are periodically flooded. It can be found from the plains up to 1800 meters in elevation. Its branches are long and slender, and its leaves are lanceolate, measuring 6-12 cm in length. It can be easily confused with other willow species. The flowers are inconspicuous and clustered in catkins, appearing in March-April, and they constitute one of the first sources of food [...]

Bitter willow 🌳🌿2023-08-28T10:48:12+02:00

Purple loosestrife


Purple loosestrife Three different flowers The purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is an herbaceous plant belonging to the Lythraceae family. During late summer, the banks of ditches light up thanks to its purplish-red flowers. This plant easily grows in damp areas where willows are particularly common: its leaves resemble those of willows, hence the species name "salicaria." The purple loosestrife can produce 3 different types of flowers that differ in the length of styles and stamens, but each plant carries only one type of flower. This feature was studied by Darwin. A bee that feeds on nectar from one type of [...]

Purple loosestrife2023-08-28T10:31:14+02:00



Scarce swallowtail The Most Elegant Flight The Scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius, Papilionidae family) is a beautiful butterfly, large and striking, with a distinctive and delicate flight. The background color is a pale yellow, with six thin black bands in a V shape. The Scarce swallowtail is very common and widespread, even in orchards and gardens. It is associated with mild climates and is rarely observed in Northern Europe. The caterpillar primarily develops on Rosaceae plants, such as peach, apricot, blackthorn, etc. Adult butterflies feed on nectar , playing an important role as pollinators. Did you know? The colorful spots on [...]


Common hazel


Common hazel A treasure trove of energy The Common hazel is a widely spread plant, it grows everywhere and is splendid in February, when it's completely covered with inflorescences . Its scientific name is Corylus avellana: Corylus comes from the Greek word "corys," meaning helmet , referring to the shape of the green bracts that cover the fruits; avellana comes from Avella, a town in Campania, known since Roman times for its flourishing hazelnut production activity. The male inflorescences are formed by numerous small flowers, the female ones are similar to buds. The core represents one of the first sources [...]

Common hazel2023-08-28T10:26:24+02:00
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