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LiCalzi: Publications

Complete list available here


  1. (with F. Beccacece), Generally acceptable principles for financial amortization: a modest proposal, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 47, 2024. [SharedIt]
  2. Bipartite choices, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 45, 2022, 551-568. [SharedIt]
  3. (with R. Muhlerbend), Feature-weighted categorized play across symmetric games, Experimental Economics, 25, 2022, 1025-1078. [Open access]
  4. (with F. Pressacco and 7 coauthors), Anatocismo nei piani di ammortamento standardizzati tradizionali, Rapporto Scientifico Amases 1, 2022. [Open access]
  5. (with R. Gibbons and M. Warglien), What situation is this? Coarse cognition and behavior over a space of games, Strategy Science 6, 2021, 124-140. [Open access]
  6. (with L. Bastianello), The probability to reach an agreement as a foundation for axiomatic bargaining, Econometrica 87, 2019, 837-865. [RePEc version]
  7. (with R. Muhlerbend), Categorization and cooperation across games, Games 10, 2019, 5. [Open access]
  8. (with R. Bordley and L. Tibiletti), A target-based foundation for the hard-easy effect bias, in: M.H. Bilgin, H. Danis, E. Demir, and U. Can (eds.), Country Experiences in Economic Development, Management and Entrepreneurship, Springer, 2017, 659-671. [RePEc version]
  9. (with N. Maagli), Bargaining over a common categorisation, Synthese 193, 2016, 705-723. [OpenChoice; featured on LesAffaires.com]
  10. (with D. Marchiori), Pack light on the move: Exploitation and exploration in a dynamic environment, in: S. Leitner and F. Wall (eds.), Artificial Economics and Self Organization, Springer, 2013, 205-216. [RePEc version]
  11. (with S. Fano and P. Pellizzari), Convergence of outcomes and evolution of strategic behavior in double auctions, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23, 2013, 513-538. [RePEc version]
  12. (with A. Collevecchio and C. Cotar), On a preferential attachment and generalized Polya's urn model, Annals of Applied Probability 23, 2013, 1219-1253. [RePEc version]
  13. (with A. Collevecchio), The probability of nontrivial common knowledge, Games and Economic Behavior, 76, 2012, 556-570. [RePEc version]
  14. (with L. Milone), Talent management in triadic organizational architectures, in: A. Teglio, S. Alfarano, E. Camacho-Cuena, M. Ginés-Vilar (eds.), Managing Market Complexity , Springer, 2012, 169-181. [RePEc version]
  15. (with O. Surucu), The power of diversity over large solution spaces, Management Science 58, 2012, 1408-1421. [RePEc version]
  16. (with F. Hauser), Learning to trade in an unbalanced market, in: S. Osinga, G.J. Hofstede, and T. Verwaart (eds.), Emergent Results of Artificial Economics, Springer, 2011, 65-76. [RePEc version]
  17. (with L. Milone and P. Pellizzari), Allocative efficiency and traders' protection under zero intelligence behavior, in: H. Dawid and W. Semmler (eds.), Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Springer 2011, 5-28. [Springer or RePEc version]
  18. (with L. Milone and P. Pellizzari, eds.), Progress in Artificial Economics, LNEMS 645, Springer, 2010.
  19. (with R. Cervone and S. Galavotti), Symmetric equilibria in double auctions with markdown buyers and markup sellers, in: C. Hernandez, M. Posada and A. Lopez-Paredes (eds.), Artificial Economics, Springer, 2009, 81-92. [RePEc version]
  20. (with A. Nicolò), Efficient egalitarian equivalent allocations over a single good, Economic Theory 40, 2009, 27-45. [RePEc version]
  21. (with P. Pellizzari), Zero-intelligence trading without resampling, in: K. Schredelseker and F. Hauser (eds.), Complexity and Artificial Markets, Springer, 2008, 3-14. [RePEc version]
  22. (with P. Pellizzari), Simple market protocols for efficient risk-sharing, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, 2007, 3568-3590. [RePEc version]
  23. (with P. Pellizzari), Which market protocols facilitate fair trading?, in: A. Consiglio (ed.), Artificial Markets Modeling, Springer, 2007, 81-97. [RePEc version]
  24. (with E. Castagnoli, Benchmarking real-valued acts, Games and Economic Behavior 57, 2006, 236-253. [RePEc version]
  25. (with P. Pellizzari), The allocative effectiveness of market protocols under intelligent trading, in: C. Bruun (ed.), Advances in Artificial Economics, Springer, 2006, 17-29. [RePEc version]
  26. (with A. Sorato), The Pearson system of utility functions, European Journal of Operational Research 172, 2006, 560-573. [RePEc version]
  27. (with P. Pellizzari), Breeds of risk-adjusted fundamentalist strategies in an order-driven market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 359, 2006, 619-633. [RePEc version]
  28. A sufficient condition for all-or-nothing information supply in price discrimination, Rendiconti per gli Studi Economici e Quantitativi, 2005, 163-177. [RePEc version]
  29. (with A. Pavan), Tilting the supply schedule enhances competition in uniform-price auctions, European Economic Review 49, 2005, 227-250. [RePEc version]
  30. (with A. Basile), Economists and mathematics from 1494 to 1969: Beyond the art of accounting, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Mathematics and Culture I, Springer, 2004, 95-107. [PDF]
  31. (with P. Pellizzari), Fundamentalists clashing over the book: A study of order-driven stock markets, Quantitative Finance 3, 2003, 470-480. [RePEc version and source code]
  32. (with S. Spaeter), Distributions for the first-order approach to principal-agent problems, Economic Theory 21, 2003, 167-173. [PDF]
  33. (with S. DellaVigna), Learning to make risk neutral choices in a normal world, Mathematical Social Sciences 41, 2001, 19-37. [PDF]
  34. Upper and lower bounds for expected utility, Economic Theory 16, 2000, 489-502. [PDF]
  35. (with R. Bordley), Decision analysis using targets instead of utility functions, Decisions in Economics and Finance 23, 2000, 53-74. [PDF]
  36. A language for the construction of preferences under uncertainty, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fìsicas y Naturales 93, 1999, 439-450. [RePEc version]
  37. Variations on the measure representation approach, Journal of Mathematical Economics 29, 1998, 255-269. [PDF]
  38. (with E. Castagnoli), Direct and indirect duality for dominance relations, in: P. Battigalli, A. Montesano and F. Panunzi (eds.), Decisions, Games, and Markets, Boston: Kluwer, 1997, 3-30.
  39. (with M. Cigola), Ordinally quasiconcave functions, Optimization 40, 1997, 25-36.
  40. (with E. Castagnoli), Expected utility without utility, Theory and Decision 41, 1996, 281-301. [RePEc version]
  41. Fictitious play by cases, Games and Economic Behavior 11, 1995, 64-89.
  42. Quasiconcave functions over chains, Optimization 24, 1992, 15-29.
  43. Towards a general setting for the fuzzy mathematics of finance, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 35, 1990, 265-280.

Science popularization

  1. Teorema dell'impossibilità di Arrow, Le Scienze, 2023.
  2. Introduction to the Milestones series, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 45, 2022. [SharedIt]
  3. A portrait of the mathematical tribe, Imagine Math 7: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2020, 313-331. [PDF]
  4. Probabilità non euclidea e altre spigolature, in: Probabilità, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2019, 7-48.
  5. Le parole dell'incertezza, Nuova informazione bibliografica 14, 2017, 43-60.
  6. La matematica dell'incertezza, Il Mulino, 2016.
  7. Sic transit, et non, Imagine Math 5: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2016, 183-195. [PDF]
  8. E pluribus unum, Imagine Math: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2012, 187-196. [PDF]
  9. Recenti sviluppi nella teoria dei giochi: L'ingegneria strategica, Matematica e Cultura 2011, Springer, 2011, 133-144. [PDF]
  10. Matematica e sincerità, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2010, Springer, 2010, 209-218. [PDF]
  11. Giochi da senatori, Alice & Bob 10, 2009, 17-20. [PDF]
  12. Aumann e la teoria dei giochi, La matematica nella società e nella cultura: Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 1, 2008, 23-56. [PDF]
  13. Aritmetica per la Costituzione: La ripartizione dei seggi al Senato, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2008, Springer, 2008, 151-162. [PDF]
  14. (with M.C. Molinari), Il gioco delle coppie, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2006, Springer, 2006, 51-58. [PDF]
  15. Matematica dalla guerra alla pace: La ricerca operativa, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2004, Springer, 2004, 51-60. [PDF]
  16. Un eponimo ricorrente: Nash e la teoria dei giochi, Boll. Unione Matem. Italiana A-6, 2003, 3-26. [PDF]
  17. Matematica ed esercizio della democrazia: L'urna di Pandora, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2002, Springer, 2002, 97-107. [PDF]
  18. (with A. Basile), Economisti e matematica dal 1494 fino al 1969: Oltre l'arte del far di conto, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2000, Springer, 2000, 95-107. [PDF]
  19. Teoria dei giochi, Milano: EtasLibri, 1995.

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This site is designed and maintained by Marco LiCalzi.