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Author(s)Alessandro Rossini
TitleDedication to Pan Euodos by an Archisomatophylax Loyal to Ptolemy VIII
Abstract (max. 650 characters with spaces included)

In 130 BC, the Cretan archisomatophylax Soterichos made a complex dedication to Pan of Fair Paths (Euodos) on behalf of Ptolemy VIII, Cleopatra III, and their children. From a historical point of view, this Upper Egyptian inscription testifies the dynastic conflict between Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra II, but also the movement of men and goods in the Egyptian Eastern Desert at a crucial moment in Ptolemaic history. Furthemore, it can also be interpreted as a revealing autobiographical statement and a certificate of loyalty in which the contours of the god (an interpretatio Graeca of Min) and the king seem to merge together.

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Edizioni Ca' Foscari

Object typeStele; grey-flecked, white marble; 33 to 35 × 24 × 1 to 3 cm. Complete. A flag-shaped marble slab of contained size. The upper, left, and lower sides are intact; the right side is irregularly broken with the consequent loss of very few characters (one letter at the end of ll. 1, 4, 6, 7, and 10; two in l. 9; three in l. 2; four in l. 3; ll. 8 and 11-13 are complete). Minor scratches on ll. 7-8. The text – an easily readable, well-written one – is thus reconstructible with adequate precision. Undecorated.
Chronology130/29 BC [namely, on 2 October 130 BC].
Type of inscriptionDedication.
Findspot and circumstances
Egypt, Coptos (Qifṭ).
Preservation placeEgypt, Alexandria, Greco-Roman Museum, nr. inv. 41.
  • Structure: prose.
  • Layout: The design and the layout of the lines as a whole are regular and accurate. The descending writing is counterbalanced by the perfect alignment of ll. 1-11; ll. 12-13 are no less orderly indented by 2 cm. There is a gap of about 2 cm between the upper and left edges and the corresponding portion of text. The date (l. 13) is preceded by a small vacat.
  • Execution technique: engraved.
  • Special letters: alphaalpha; zetazeta; thetatheta; omicronomicron; phiphi; omegaomega.
  • Letter size: ±1.
  • Line spacing: ±0,4.
  • Paleography: Α with angled crossbar; broad Ε and Σ; Ζ has a perpendicular medial stroke; Θ is a point in circle; Ο small or very small, set in midline; the Π's upper bar is seldom protunding to the right; Ω not very roundish nor symmetrical.
  • Arrangement: left-to-right.
  • Language: koine.

Botti 1893, no. 2461; Strack 1894, no. 5 [Mahaffy 1895, 185, 394-6; Strack 1897, 47, 257, no. 109; Michel, Recueil no. 1233; Meyer 1900, 80 note 287 (ll. 4-5), 90 note 329 (ll. 4-11); OGIS I no. 132; Wilcken 1912, 264 (ll. 5-11); Kortenbeutel 1931, 44-5 (ll. 5-11); Otto, Bengtson 1938, 214-15 (ll. 4-11); Préaux 1939, 258 and note 3 (ll. 7-11) (also p. 364); Peremans 1946, 152 (ll. 5-11); SB V.3 no. 8881 (see also V.4 no. 8881, 550); Bengtson 1964-7, III: 107 note 2 (ll. 4-11); Fraser 1972, II: 309 note 377 (also I: 180); Mooren 1975, 158-9, 222 (ll. 4-11); Wilcken 2010, 415 (ll. 5-11); Gates-Foster 2012, 200-1]; I.Breccia no. 37[b] and pl. X, no. 27; I.Pan du désert no. 86 (also pp. 272, 275) [Łajtar 1999, 61-6; Pros. Ptol. X no. E370 (ll. 4-11); Hennig 2003, 170-2 note 131 (ll. 5-11)].

Cfr. Botti 1900, 258, no. 21 (translation); OGIS II 544; Wilcken 1906, 325; Rostovtzeff 1908, 305; Fitzler 1910, 48-51; Martin 1911, 62-4; Reinach 1911, 410 note 5; Lesquier 1918, 420 note 1, 421; Heichelheim 1925, 56, 88; Wilcken 1925, 101; Bevan 1927, 155; Rostovtzeff 1941, II: 924; van Effenterre 1948, 196 note 1; Launey 1949-1950, I: 272-3; I.Cret. IV 25; Préaux 1952, 275; Meredith 1953, 104; Fraser 1954, 137; Thomas 1975, 44, 58-9, 71, 72 note 132; Drew-Bear 1980, 156 note 5; Spyridakis 1981, no. 121; Will 1982, 431; Sidebotham 1986, 6 note 30; Walbank 1993, 203-4 (partial translation); Yoyotte, Charvet 1997, 254 (translation); Aufrère 1998, 13-4 (translation); BE 2000, no. 713; Chaniotis 2005, 151; De Romanis 1996, 132-4, 163, 165; Molina Marín 2010, 166 note 48 (translation); Sidebotham 2011, 12-3, 30, 35, 63, 209 note 15; Angelucci 2012, 220; Bielman Sánchez, Lenzo 2015, 299-300, 311, 330; Evers 2016, 109; Magdy 2017, 192 (translation); Gallo 2018, 299; Cobb 2018, 18, 35 note 14; Schneider 2018, 138, 153 note 17; Redon 2018, notes 20, 68; Woźniak 2019, 399; Bowman, Crowther 2020, no. 590, 308; Vallarino 2023, 80-1.


Ὑπὲρ βασιλέως Πτολεμαίου κα[ὶ]

βασιλίσσης Κλεοπάτρας τῆς γυναι̣[κός],

θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν, καὶ τῶν τέκνων α[ὐτῶν]

Σωτήριχος Ἰκαδίωνος Γορτύνιος, τ̣ῶ̣[ν]


ἀρχισωματοφυλάκων, ὁ ἀπεσταλ̣-

μένος ὑπὸ Παῶτος τοῦ συγγενοῦς κα[ὶ]

στρατηγοῦ τῆς Θηβαΐδος ἐπὶ τὴν συναγ̣[ω]-

γὴν τῆς πολυτ[ε]λοῦς λιθείας καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν

πλῶν καὶ παρεξόμενος τὴν ἀσφάλειαν το[ῖς]


κατακομίζουσι ἀπὸ τοῦ κατὰ Κοπτὸν ὄρου[ς]

τὰ λιβανωτικὰ φορτία καὶ τἆλλα ξένια

Πανὶ Εὐόδωι καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις θεοῖς

πᾶσι καὶ πάσαις, v. (ἔτους) μαʹ, Θὼθ ιʹ.


1 ΚΑ[ lapis | κα[ὶ] Strack, quem omnes seqq. || 2 ΓΥΝΑΙ̣[ lapis; iotae dimidium superest | ΓΥΝΑΙΚ[ ed. pr. | γυνα[ικός] Strack | γυναι[κός] Dittenberger | γυναι̣[κός] Bernand || 3 ΤΕΚΝΩΝΑ[ lapis | α[ὐτῶν] Strack, quem omnes seqq. || 4 ΣΩΤΗΡΙΚΟΣ ed. pr. | Σωτήριχος Strack | Τ̣Ω̣[ lapis; omegae pes tantum superest | τ[ῶν] Strack | τ̣ῶ̣[ν] Bernand || 5-6 ΑΡΧΙΣΩΜΑΤΟΦΥΛΑ̣ΚΩΝΑΠΕΣΤΑ[-]|ΜΕΝΟΣ ed. pr., Mahaffy || 5 lambdae dimidium superest || 5-6 ὁ ἀπεστα[λ]|μένος Strack | ὁ ἀπεσταλ̣|μένος Bernand || 6 ΣΥΝΓΕΝΟΥΣ lapis | ΚΑ[ lapis | κα[ὶ] Strack, quem omnes seqq. || 7-8 συνα[γω]|γὴν Strack, Dittenberger | συναγ[ω]|γὴν Bernand, gammae linea verticalis tantum superest || 9 ΤΟ[ lapis | το[ῖς] Strack, quem omnes seqq. || 10 Κοπτὸν ut in Strabone habetur (ex Vallarino) | ΟΡΟΥ ed. pr. | ὄρου[ς] Strack, quem omnes seqq. || 11 ΞΕΝΙΑ ed. pr. | ξένια Strack, Michel | ξενι<κ>ά Wilcken, Dittenberger, Breccia, et cf. Meredith 1953, 104 | ξένια̣ Bernand | Α certissimum || 13 ΜΑ lapis | ΘΩΘ lapis | θυθ Mahaffy.

On behalf of King Ptolemy and Queen Cleopatra the wife, the Benefactor Gods, and of their children, the chief bodyguard Soterichos son of Ikadion of Gortyn – sent by Paos, kinsman (of the king) and stratēgos of the Thebaid, in order to take charge of the gathering of precious stones, to tend to the ships, and to provide security for those conveying incense and other cargoes of foreign goods across the mountain of Coptos –, (made this dedication) to Pan of Fair Paths and all the other gods and goddesses. Year 41, Thoth 1.

BE = Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques.

BE = Bulletin Épigraphique in Revue des Études Grecques.

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