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Author(s)Alessandro Rossini
TitleLetters from Ptolemy VIII, Cleopatra II, and Cleopatra III Concerning the Gymnasium of Omboi
Abstract (max. 650 characters with spaces included)

In 135 BC, the gymnasium of Omboi (Upper Egypt) issued a decree immortalizing on stone the correspondence concerning some philanthropa bestowed by Ptolemy VIII, Cleopatra II, and Cleopatra III. Only a few years later, the dossier was defaced and the royal names were erased (damnatio memoriae) except for that of Cleopatra II. The inscription has thus been interpreted as an epigraphic evidence of the civil war between Ptolemy VIII, flanked by Cleopatra III, and Cleopatra II. In spite of its poor state of preservation, the Omboi dossier allows some useful considerations on its vicissitudes, along with some further restorations.

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Edizioni Ca' Foscari

Object typeStele; dark granite; 39,5 × 28 × 13,5 cm. Fragmentary. A trapezoidal stone slab of contained size. None of the four edges of the original stele has survived. The left side of the remaining part is diagonally broken. The central portion is damaged in correspondence of ll. 2-8. Ll. 2-4 are affected by two deep holes, ll. 3-8 by a scratch on the right edge, and ll. 8-9 by a further damage in the middle. Two deliberate erasures in ll. 12 and 16 following, in both cases, the name of βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ ἀδελφὴ. Undecorated.
Chronology136/5 BC [shortly after 22 April 135 BC i.e. the date of the first letter].
Type of inscriptionOfficial letter.
Findspot and circumstances
Egypt, Omboi (Kom Ombo), albeit Łajtar (1996, col. 465) suspected less immediate circumstances; acquired in 1906 by Wilhelm Weissbrodt for the epigraphic collection of the Lyceum Hosianum of Braunsberg (present-day Braniewo, Poland).
Preservation placePolonia, Varsavia, National Museum, Ancient Art Gallery, nr. inv. 198817.
  • Structure: prose.
  • Layout: The design and the layout of the lines as a whole are not too irregular (even though each character has a shape on its own: e.g. in Ἔρρωσθε in l. 15 the first rho is bigger than the second one), as the letters were quite correctly engraved; an apparent vacat running from side to side under l. 10.
  • Execution technique: engraved.
  • Special letters: alphaalpha; alphaalpha; thetatheta; omicronomicron; omicronomicron; pipi; pipi; phiphi.
  • Letter size: 0,7-0,9 cm.
  • Line spacing: 0,3-0,4 cm.
  • Paleography: Α with straight or angled crossbar; Θ with complete bar; Ο may be smaller, set in midline; asymmetrical, sometimes rounded Π, with shorter right descender; Σ with horizontal or oblique external bars; Υ may be taller; Φ with small, raised loop.
  • Arrangement: left-to-right.
  • Language: koine.

Wilcken 1913, 410-11, 415-16 [Weissbrodt 1913, no. II.7; Schröter 1932, nos. 37 (ll. 12-15), 38 (ll. 16-18); Lenger 1964, nos. 48-49 (ll. 12-18); I.Thèbes Syène no. 189; I.Egypte prose I no. 21]; I.Mus. Varsovie no. 42, pl. 42 [Pfeiffer 2015, no. 28; Pfeiffer 2020, no. 28; Paganini 2022, 59-60, 180-1 (ll. 6-18), 182].

Cfr. Wilcken 1912, 138-40; San Nicolò 1913, 44; Preisigke, Spiegelberg 1914, 23; Otto, Bengtson 1938, 45 and note 2, 66; Lenger 1944, no. I.B.6; Launey 1949-1950, II: 859 and note 5; Lenger 1952 a, 499 note 79; Lenger 1952 b, no. 11; Smith 1974, 108-9 note 3; Piejko 1990, 154; SEG XL, 1571; Bingen 1990, 155; Maehler 1992, 210; Łajtar 1996, col. 465; SEG XLVI, 2085; Legras 1999, 212-14, 225, 235; Łajtar 1999, no. 46; SEG XLIX, 2109; Dietze 2000, 86-9; Łajtar 2000, 69, 72-3, 79; Martín Hernández 2003, 305; Honigman 2003, 180 note 38; Habermann 2004, 338, 342; SEG LIV, 1712; Nadig 2007, 75, 94-6; Savalli-Lestrade 2009, pl. C no. 1; Wilcken 2010, 259-62; Faensen 2011, 400-1, no. 34; Fischer-Bovet 2014, 286; Bielman Sánchez, Lenzo 2015, 72 note 115, 254, 258-9, 292; Paganini 2015, 48 note 2; Bielman Sánchez 2017, 91; Richter 2017, 30 note 34; Lanciers 2020, 32; Caneva 2022, 381; Eller 2022, 39 note 61.


[---------------------------------------------]α̣σαι αὐτὸ χ[---------------]?[----------------

--------------------------------------------]ν̣ καθ’ ἣν̣ ἔχο̣υ̣σ̣α̣ χ̣[---------]ασαν θ̣[------------

----------------------------------------- ἀ]ξ̣ιούμενον κα̣ὶ ὃ̣ν̣ χ̣[ρηστῶς γενο]μένη̣ς ἐπιστο[λῆς

------------------------------------------]ναι, ἐφ’ οἷς καὶ τοῦ ο̣[---]υ̣ ἐ[δέ]ξατο τὴν τῶν ε[--


----------------------------------- καλῶ]ς δ’ ἔχοντος καὶ τὸ γεγ[ονὸς] παρὰ τ̣ῶ<ν> πε̣ρ̣ι̣φανέ[σ-

τατων φιλανθρώπων ἀξιοῦσθαι, δεδόχθαι τ]οῖς νεανίσκοις ἀναγ[ρ]ά[ψ]αι τὸ ψήφισμα το̣ῦτ[ο

καὶ τὴν παρὰ τῶν βασιλέων ἐπιστολὴν τ]ὴν περὶ τούτων εἰς στήλ[η]ν λι[θίν]ην τοῦ γείτονο̣ς ε[-

-------------------------- καὶ ἀνατε]θ̣ῆναι ταύτην ἐν τῶι γυμ[νασίωι παρ]ὰ τῆι ἑσταμένη[ι

--------------------------------- τ]οῦ πρώτου φίλου καὶ κτίστου τοῦ γυμνασίου, ὅπως τ̣[-


---------------------------------]ι̣ παρὰ τῶν σεμνοτ̣ά̣τ̣ων βασιλέων ἀπομνημονεύ[η- (vel [ων-)

ται εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον.] vacat

[〚Βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος καὶ〛 βασί]λισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ ἀδελφὴ 〚καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ γυνὴ〛

[τοῖς ἐκ τοῦ ἐν Ὄμβοις γυμνασίο]υ χαίρειν. Ἀλκιμάχου καὶ Θεμιστοκλέους τῶν παρ’ ὑμῶν ἀποδό[ν-

των ἡμῖν τὴν ὑμέτεραν ἔντευξιν] π̣ρ̣ὸς Βόηθον τὸν συγγενῆ καὶ στρατηγὸν τὴν ὑποκειμένη̣[ν


ἐπιστολὴν ἐγράψαμεν.] vacat Ἔρρωσθε. (Ἔτους) λεʹ Γορπιαίου κθʹ Φαμενὼθ κθʹ. vacat

[〚Βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος καὶ〛 βασ]ίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ ἀδελφὴ 〚καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ γυνὴ〛

[Βοήθωι τῶι ἀδελφῶι χαίρειν· ἧς ἔγραψαν] ἡ̣μῖν ἐπιστολῆς οἱ ἐκ το̣ῦ̣ ἐν Ὄμβοις γυμνασίου

[ὑποτετάχαμέν σοι τὸ ἀντίγραφον· καλῶς ἂν ποιήσεις κατακολουθήσας] τοῖς εἰ̣σ̣[δε]δ̣[ομένοις

τούτοις· -------------------------------------------------------------------]?[-----------]


1 ]ασαι αὐτὸ χ[ ed. pr. | sunt reliquiae 2 litterarum obscurae || 2 ]ν καθ’ ἣν ἔχουσα̣ [ ed. pr., Bernand | ]ν καθ’ ἣν ἔχουσα χ̣[ Łajtar-Twardecki, quos sequor, sed ]ν̣ καθ’ ἣν̣ ἔχο̣υ̣σ̣α̣[ vidi tantum | ]ν καθ’ ἔνουσα̣ χ̣[ Pfeiffer, non recte | χ̣[---------]ασαν lacuna 8-9 litterarum | Cf. I.Egypte prose I nr. 32, ll. 30-1; nr. 39, ll. 22-3; nr. 42, l. 21; nr. 43, ll. 19-20; nr. 44, l. 18: καθ’ ἣν ἔχεις πρὸς τὸ θεῖον εὐσέβειαν | ]ΑΣΑΝΘ̣[ lapis | ]ασαν [ ed. pr., Bernand | ]ασα [ Łajtar-Twardecki || 3 Cf. I.Philae I nr. 19, l. 16 et I.Thèbes Syène nr. 244, l. 38: καθάπερ ἀξιοῦσι | ΚΑΙΟ̣Ν̣Χ̣[ lapis | καὶ δ̣[- ed. pr., quem omnes seqq. | ὃ̣ν̣ χ̣[ρηστῶς γενο]μένη̣ς supplevi || 4 ]ναι ἐφ’ οἷς καὶ του[-----]ε[---]ξατο τὴν τῶν ε[-- ed. pr., Łajtar-Twardecki | ]ναι, ἐφ’ οἷς interpunctionem conieci | Ο̣[---]Υ̣ lapis | ὄ̣χ̣λ̣ο̣υ̣? conieci vestigia difficilia secutus. Cf. SEG XXVI, 1817, ll. 12, 53 | ἐ[δέ]ξατο supplevi ob genetivum ac assiduitatem; numquam persuadent ἐργάξατο, ἐπράξατο, ἐτεύξατο, ne ἐπεύξατο quidem || 5 καλῶ]ς δ’ ἔχοντος καὶ τὸ γεγ[ονὸς] ed. pr. | Τ̣ΩΠΕ̣Ν̣ΦΑΝΕ̣[ lapis, cum Ε priore incerto et emendatione antiqua Ν > ΡΙ (cf. Wilcken 1913, 410 n. 1) | παρὰ τωπ[-]ρ̣ι̣φανε[- ed. pr. | παρὰ τῶ<ν> conieci, locutionem γίγνομαι παρά τινος secutus || 5-6 πε̣ρ̣ι̣φανέ[στατων φιλανθρώπων ἀξιοῦσθαι supplevi || 6 lacuna quidem certe nomen ac verbum continebat | δεδόχθαι τ]οῖς νεανίσκοις vel δεδόχθαι τοῖς τε ἐφήβοις καὶ τ]οῖς νεανίσκοις ed. pr., restitutionem alteram Pfeiffer accepit, ac πρεσβυτέροις in vicem coniecit; exiguum fere spatium priori sententiae perficiendae | , δεδόχθαι interpunctionem conieci || 7 [καὶ τὴν παρὰ τῶν βασιλέων ἐπιστολὴν τ]ὴν ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 7-8 ἐ[ρ|γαστηρίου conieci ex Hiller von Gaertringen qui τοῦ γείτονος «auf den benachbarten Steinbruch» (Wilcken 1913, 414 n. 4) referendum coniecit || 8 καὶ ἀνατε]θ̣ῆναι ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 9 εἰκόνι ed. pr., omnes seqq. | Cf. Wilcken 1913, 413 n. 2: «muß eine Ortsbezeichnung o. ä. gestanden haben»; etsi ἐν τῶι ἐπιφανεστάτωι τόπωι (ut in I.Egypte prose I nr. 16, ll. 16-7 multisque aliis locis), ἐν τούτωι τῶι τόπωι vel similia prae spatio gymnasiique maxime mentione non dantur; locum ad ἑσταμένη[ι pertinentem, εἰκόνι et conditoris nomen lacuna certe continebat | τ]οῦ articulum supplevi | ὅπως τ[- ed. pr., τ dubium || 9-10 [αἱ | περὶ τούτων εὐεργεσίαι αἱ γεγονυῖα]ι̣ conieci ob τ̣[ dubium (cf. I.Philae I nr. 19, ll. 38-40); Paganini «the benevolence» coniecit || 10-1 ἀπομνημονεύ[-|ται εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον.] ed. pr., (cf. I.Philae I nr. 19, ll. 39-40) | ἀπομνημονεύ[η|ται Bernand, Łajtar-Twardecki, Pfeiffer || 12 [〚Βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος καὶ〛 βασί]λισσα ed. pr., omnes seqq. | 〚καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ γυνὴ〛 ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 13 [τοῖς ἐκ τοῦ ἐν Ὄμβοις γυμνασίο]υ ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 13-4 ἀποδό|[ντων ἡμῖν ed. pr. | ἀποδό|[ντων ἡμῖν τὴν ἔντευξιν] Bernand | ἀποδό|[ντων ἡμῖν τὴν ὑμέτεραν ἔντευξιν] Łajtar-Twardecki || 14-5 ὑποκειμένη[ν | ἐπιστολὴν ἐγράψαμεν.] ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 15 ΛΕ lapis || 16 [〚Βασιλεὺς Πτολεμαῖος καὶ〛 βασ]ίλισσα ed. pr., omnes seqq. | 〚καὶ βασίλισσα Κλεοπάτρα ἡ γυνὴ〛 ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 17 [Βοήθωι τῶι ἀδελφῶι χαίρειν· Ἧς ἔγραψαν] ed. pr., omnes seqq. || 18 [ὑποτετάχαμέν σοι τὸ ἀντίγραφον. Καλῶς οὖν ποιήσεις ed. pr. | ]ΤΟΙΣΕΙ̣Σ̣[--]Δ̣[ lapis | ]τοῖς εἰσ̣[--]λ̣[ ed. pr., Łajtar-Twardecki | Καλῶς οὖν ποιήσεις συντάξας προνοηθῆναι ὅπως τεύξονται ----] Bernand, ex I.Philae I nr. 19, l. 16 et I.Thèbes Syène nr. 244, l. 29 litterarum obstantibus reliquiis | καλῶς ἂν ποιήσεις [κατακολουθήσας] τοῖς εἰσ[δε]δ̣[ομένοις] Piejko, quem sequor lacunam accommodando; non καλῶς οὖν ut in SEG XL nr. 1571 relatum || 19 τούτοις· supplevi (cf. I.Egypte prose I nr. 40, l. 47) | sunt reliquiae 3-4 litterarum obscurae.

[…] which […] in accordance with which […] requested/worthy (of) […], and what […] since a letter has been happily delivered […] for these reasons, (…) received from the […], too, the […] of the […], since it is also fine to give to the results of the truly outstanding benefits the consideration they deserve, [it has been decided] by the young men to inscribe this decree [and the letter from the sovereigns] concerning these matters on a stone stele from the nearby [ … and to] set it up in the gym[nasium, near] the [statue of … – the] first friend and the founder of the gymnasium –, which stands […], so that [… the benevolence? …] of the most revered sovereigns may be remembered [in perpetuity].
[〚King Ptolemy,〛] queen Cleopatra the sister, 〚and queen Cleopatra the wife〛[to those who are in the gymnasium of Omboi], greetings. Since Alkimachos and Themistokles have handed over [to us your petition] on your behalf, [we have thus written] to Boethos, the kinsman and stratēgos, the following [letter]. Farewell. Year 35, 29 Gorpaios, 29 Phamenoth.
[〚King Ptolemy,〛] queen Cleopatra the sister, 〚and queen Cleopatra the wife〛[to our brother Boethos, greetings. We submit to you the copy] of the letter that those who are in the gymnasium of Omboi [wrote] to us. [Therefore you might do well to comply with] which [is handed here. …]

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Fig. 1. The stele. Source: Digital collections of the National Museum in Warsaw (see the link below).

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