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LiCalzi: Publications
Complete list available here
- (with F. Beccacece), Generally acceptable principles for financial amortization: a modest proposal, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 47, 2024. [SharedIt]
- Bipartite choices, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 45, 2022, 551-568. [SharedIt]
- (with R. Muhlerbend), Feature-weighted categorized play across symmetric games, Experimental Economics, 25, 2022, 1025-1078. [Open access]
- (with F. Pressacco and 7 coauthors), Anatocismo nei piani di ammortamento standardizzati tradizionali, Rapporto Scientifico Amases 1, 2022. [Open access]
- (with R. Gibbons and M. Warglien), What situation is this? Coarse cognition and behavior over a space of games, Strategy Science 6, 2021, 124-140. [Open access]
- (with L. Bastianello), The probability to reach an agreement as a foundation for axiomatic bargaining, Econometrica 87, 2019, 837-865. [RePEc version]
- (with R. Muhlerbend), Categorization and cooperation across games, Games 10, 2019, 5. [Open access]
- (with R. Bordley and L. Tibiletti), A target-based foundation for the hard-easy effect bias, in: M.H. Bilgin, H. Danis, E. Demir, and U. Can (eds.), Country Experiences in Economic Development, Management and Entrepreneurship, Springer, 2017, 659-671. [RePEc version]
- (with N. Maagli), Bargaining over a common categorisation, Synthese 193, 2016, 705-723. [OpenChoice; featured on LesAffaires.com]
- (with D. Marchiori), Pack light on the move: Exploitation and exploration in a dynamic environment, in: S. Leitner and F. Wall (eds.), Artificial Economics and Self Organization, Springer, 2013, 205-216. [RePEc version]
- (with S. Fano and P. Pellizzari), Convergence of outcomes and evolution of strategic behavior in double auctions, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 23, 2013, 513-538. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Collevecchio and C. Cotar), On a preferential attachment and generalized Polya's urn model, Annals of Applied Probability 23, 2013, 1219-1253. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Collevecchio), The probability of nontrivial common knowledge, Games and Economic Behavior, 76, 2012, 556-570. [RePEc version]
- (with L. Milone), Talent management in triadic organizational architectures, in: A. Teglio, S. Alfarano, E. Camacho-Cuena, M. Ginés-Vilar (eds.), Managing Market Complexity , Springer, 2012, 169-181. [RePEc version]
- (with O. Surucu), The power of diversity over large solution spaces, Management Science 58, 2012, 1408-1421. [RePEc version]
- (with F. Hauser), Learning to trade in an unbalanced market, in: S. Osinga, G.J. Hofstede, and T. Verwaart (eds.), Emergent Results of Artificial Economics, Springer, 2011, 65-76. [RePEc version]
- (with L. Milone and P. Pellizzari), Allocative efficiency and traders' protection under zero intelligence behavior, in: H. Dawid and W. Semmler (eds.), Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Springer 2011, 5-28. [Springer or RePEc version]
- (with L. Milone and P. Pellizzari, eds.), Progress in Artificial Economics, LNEMS 645, Springer, 2010.
- (with R. Cervone and S. Galavotti), Symmetric equilibria in double auctions with markdown buyers and markup sellers, in: C. Hernandez, M. Posada and A. Lopez-Paredes (eds.), Artificial Economics, Springer, 2009, 81-92. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Nicolò), Efficient egalitarian equivalent allocations over a single good, Economic Theory 40, 2009, 27-45. [RePEc version]
- (with P. Pellizzari), Zero-intelligence trading without resampling, in: K. Schredelseker and F. Hauser (eds.), Complexity and Artificial Markets, Springer, 2008, 3-14. [RePEc version]
- (with P. Pellizzari), Simple market protocols for efficient risk-sharing, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, 2007, 3568-3590. [RePEc version]
- (with P. Pellizzari), Which market protocols facilitate fair trading?, in: A. Consiglio (ed.), Artificial Markets Modeling, Springer, 2007, 81-97. [RePEc version]
- (with E. Castagnoli, Benchmarking real-valued acts, Games and Economic Behavior 57, 2006, 236-253. [RePEc version]
- (with P. Pellizzari), The allocative effectiveness of market protocols under intelligent trading, in: C. Bruun (ed.), Advances in Artificial Economics, Springer, 2006, 17-29. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Sorato), The Pearson system of utility functions, European Journal of Operational Research 172, 2006, 560-573. [RePEc version]
- (with P. Pellizzari), Breeds of risk-adjusted fundamentalist strategies in an order-driven market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 359, 2006, 619-633. [RePEc version]
- A sufficient condition for all-or-nothing information supply in price discrimination, Rendiconti per gli Studi Economici e Quantitativi, 2005, 163-177. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Pavan), Tilting the supply schedule enhances competition in uniform-price auctions, European Economic Review 49, 2005, 227-250. [RePEc version]
- (with A. Basile), Economists and mathematics from 1494 to 1969: Beyond the art of accounting, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Mathematics and Culture I, Springer, 2004, 95-107. [PDF]
- (with P. Pellizzari), Fundamentalists clashing over the book: A study of order-driven stock markets, Quantitative Finance 3, 2003, 470-480. [RePEc version and source code]
- (with S. Spaeter), Distributions for the first-order approach to principal-agent problems, Economic Theory 21, 2003, 167-173. [PDF]
- (with S. DellaVigna), Learning to make risk neutral choices in a normal world, Mathematical Social Sciences 41, 2001, 19-37. [PDF]
- Upper and lower bounds for expected utility, Economic Theory 16, 2000, 489-502. [PDF]
- (with R. Bordley), Decision analysis using targets instead of utility functions, Decisions in Economics and Finance 23, 2000, 53-74. [PDF]
- A language for the construction of preferences under uncertainty, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fìsicas y Naturales 93, 1999, 439-450. [RePEc version]
- Variations on the measure representation approach, Journal of Mathematical Economics 29, 1998, 255-269. [PDF]
- (with E. Castagnoli), Direct and indirect duality for dominance relations, in: P. Battigalli, A. Montesano and F. Panunzi (eds.), Decisions, Games, and Markets, Boston: Kluwer, 1997, 3-30.
- (with M. Cigola), Ordinally quasiconcave functions, Optimization 40, 1997, 25-36.
- (with E. Castagnoli), Expected utility without utility, Theory and Decision 41, 1996, 281-301. [RePEc version]
- Fictitious play by cases, Games and Economic Behavior 11, 1995, 64-89.
- Quasiconcave functions over chains, Optimization 24, 1992, 15-29.
- Towards a general setting for the fuzzy mathematics of finance, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 35, 1990, 265-280.
Science popularization
- Teorema dell'impossibilità di Arrow, Le Scienze, 2023.
- Introduction to the Milestones series, Decisions in Economics and Finance, 45, 2022. [SharedIt]
- A portrait of the mathematical tribe, Imagine Math 7: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2020, 313-331. [PDF]
- Probabilità non euclidea e altre spigolature, in: Probabilità, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2019, 7-48.
- Le parole dell'incertezza, Nuova informazione bibliografica 14, 2017, 43-60.
- La matematica dell'incertezza, Il Mulino, 2016.
- Sic transit, et non, Imagine Math 5: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2016, 183-195. [PDF]
- E pluribus unum, Imagine Math: Between Culture and Mathematics, Springer, 2012, 187-196. [PDF]
- Recenti sviluppi nella teoria dei giochi: L'ingegneria strategica, Matematica e Cultura 2011, Springer, 2011, 133-144. [PDF]
- Matematica e sincerità, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2010, Springer, 2010, 209-218. [PDF]
- Giochi da senatori, Alice & Bob 10, 2009, 17-20. [PDF]
- Aumann e la teoria dei giochi, La matematica nella società e nella cultura: Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 1, 2008, 23-56. [PDF]
- Aritmetica per la Costituzione: La ripartizione dei seggi al Senato, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2008, Springer, 2008, 151-162. [PDF]
- (with M.C. Molinari), Il gioco delle coppie, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2006, Springer, 2006, 51-58. [PDF]
- Matematica dalla guerra alla pace: La ricerca operativa, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2004, Springer, 2004, 51-60. [PDF]
- Un eponimo ricorrente: Nash e la teoria dei giochi, Boll. Unione Matem. Italiana A-6, 2003, 3-26. [PDF]
- Matematica ed esercizio della democrazia: L'urna di Pandora, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2002, Springer, 2002, 97-107. [PDF]
- (with A. Basile), Economisti e matematica dal 1494 fino al 1969: Oltre l'arte del far di conto, in: M. Emmer (ed.), Matematica e Cultura 2000, Springer, 2000, 95-107. [PDF]
- Teoria dei giochi, Milano: EtasLibri, 1995.
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