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Autore/iLivia De Martinis
TitoloDecreto onorario ateniese per alcuni esuli acarnani
Riassunto (massimo 650 caratteri spazi inclusi)

La stele restituisce un decreto risalente all'estate del 337 a.C. che sancisce da un lato la concessione di corone d'oro e della cittadinanza ateniese a due fratelli acarnani, FormioneKarphinas, comandanti di un contingente militare acarnano che avrebbe combattuto insieme ad AteneCheronea, dall’altro il riconoscimento di una serie di onori a quegli Acarnani che li seguirono e che evidentemente di questo contingente costituirono il nerbo. Il decreto onorario è estremamente interessante per la ricostruzione della situazione che venne a crearsi ad Atene nei momenti immediatamente successivi alla battaglia di Cheronea, quando la città, all'apparenza filo-macedone, sembrò proseguire la sua resistenza a Filippo II concedendo asilo a coloro che l'avevano sostenuta nello scontro militare contro la Macedonia e che per questo si trovavano a essere perseguitati. Nel testo del decreto, poi, si ricorda esplicitamente che il nonno dei due onorati, Formione, era stato a sua volta beneficiario nel 400 a.C. ca. della concessione della cittadinanza ateniese: la menzione di questo provvedimento precedente crea un forte legame, con evidenti risvolti propagandistici, tra i momenti successivi alla battaglia di Cheronea e quelli seguenti alla conclusione della guerra del Peloponneso. Infine il decreto può anche essere considerato una valida fonte per lo studio della concessione dell'isoteleia, in questo caso specifico riconosciuta nella sua forma più ampia (esenzione dal metoikiondiritto di enktesis; garanzia di tutele giuridiche; diritto di pagare le eisphorai con i cittadini) e non a singoli, ma a un gruppo di esuli politici.

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Edizioni Ca' Foscari

SupportoStele; marmo bianco pentelico; 43,3-45 × 57,5 × 11,5-12 cm. Il margine superiore e il margine inferiore sono mutili; entrambi i margini laterali sono integri; la superficie è piuttosto rovinata.
Cronologia338/7 a.C.
Grecia, Attica, Atene, Acropoli, a ovest della gradinata d'accesso ai Propilei.

Luogo di conservazioneGrecia, Atene, Museo epigrafico, nr. inv. 7138.
  • Struttura del testo: prosa epigrafica.
  • Impaginazione: andamento stoichedico di 41 lettere per linea. Solo le linee 26 (?), 35 e 37 comprendono 42 lettere per linea.
  • Tecnica di scrittura: incisa.
  • Misura lettere: 0,5-0,7.
  • Lingua: ionico-attico.

Pittakis 1853, nr. 1309, 788-790, facs. [Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 nr. 2280, 963-966, facs.]; Velsen 1856, 115-116 [IG II.1 121, 55-56; Syll.² I 147 + Add. p. 218]; Michel, Recueil 102, 112-113; Hicks, Hill GHI² 149, 283-285; IG II².1.2 237, 109-110 + Add. p. 659 [Syll.³ I 259; Tod, GHI II 178, 231-234]; Osborne, Naturalization I a D16, 61-65; Schwenk, Athens Alexander nr. 1, 1-12 [Rhodes - Osborne, GHI 77, 380-385]; IG II³.1.2 316, 24-26, tav. X.

Cfr. SEG XVII, 24; SEG XXI, 266; SEG XXIV, 95; SEG XXXI, 76; SEG XXXIII, 86; Pečírka 1966, 49-51; Osborne 1981 b, 61-65; Osborne, Naturalization II D16, 84-85; Harding 1985, nr. 100, 125-127; IALD nr. 5, 102 + 402; Lambert 2012, nr. 22, 272; IALD II nr. 22, 150.

Testo a:

[ἐπὶ Χαιρώ]ν̣δ̣ου ἄρχο[ντος, ἐπὶ τῆς ․․․․․․․15․․․․․․․․]

[․․․] π̣[ρυτα]νείας, ἧι Φ[ίλιππος Ἀντιφήμου Εἰρεσίδης v]

[ἐγρ]αμ[μ]ά̣τευεν· Θαργηλ[ιῶνος ․․․․․․․․․18․․․․․․․․․]

[․․․]ι [τῆ]ς πρυτανείας· τῶ[ν προέδρων ἐ]πεψή[φ]ιζεν [․․․]


[․․5․․․] Ἐρχιεύς· ἔδοξεν τ[ῶ]ι [δήμωι· Ἡγή]σιππος [Ἡγησίο]-

[υ Σουνι]εὺς εἶπεν· περὶ ὧν οἱ Ἀ[καρνᾶ]νες λέγουσ[ιν Φο]-

[ρμί]ων καὶ Καρφίνας οἱ νέ[ο]ν ἐλ[θόντ]ες, δεδόχθαι [τῶι]

[δήμ]ωι· ἐπειδὴ Φορμίων καὶ Καρ[φ]ίνας, ὄντες πατρό[θε]-

[ν φίλ]οι τοῦ δήμου τοῦ Ἀθηναίων, διαφυλάττουσιν [τὴ]-


[ν εὔ]νοιαν, ἣν οἱ πρόγονοι αὐτοῖς παρέδοσαν πρὸς [τὸ]-

[ν δ]ῆμον τὸν Ἀθηναίων, καὶ νυνὶ βοηθήσαντ[ες] μετὰ δ[υ]-

[νάμ]εως συνκατετάττοντο μετὰ Ἀθηναίω[ν], κ[αθ]ότι ὁ [σ]-

[τ]ρατηγὸς παραγγέ[λ]λοι, ἐπαινέσαι αὐτοὺ[ς ἀρε]τῆς [ἕ]-

[νεκα] καὶ στεφανῶσαι ἑκάτερον αὐτῶν χρυσῶι στεφά̣-


[νω]ι· [ἐ]πειδὴ δὲ Φορμ̣ίωνα τὸν Φορμίωνος καὶ Καρ[φ]ίν[α]

[πάππο]ν ἐποιήσατο 〚․〛 Ἀθηναῖον ὁ δῆμος ὁ Ἀθηναίων κ[α]-

[ὶ τ]οὺ[ς] ἐκείνου ἐκ[γ]όνους καὶ τὸ ψήφισμα, καθ’ ὃ ἡ ποίη-

[σι]ς ἐγένετο, ἀναγ[έγ]ραπται ἐν ἀκροπόλει, εἶ[ναι] Φορ-

[μ]ίων[ι κ]α[ὶ] Καρφί[ναι] καὶ τοῖς ἐκγόνοις αὐτῶν κυρία-


[ν τὴ]ν [δωρει]άν, ἣν ἔ[δω]κ̣εν ὁ δῆμ̣ος Φορμίωνι τῶι πάππω-

ι [α]ὐ[τ]ῶν· 〚․〛 [ἑλ]έ[σ]θ̣[α]ι δὲ α̣ὐτοὺ[ς] φυλὴ[ν] καὶ δῆμον καὶ φρα-

[τρίαν, ἧς] ἂν βο[ύλων]ται εἶναι· ἐπαινέσαι δὲ καὶ τοὺς

[ἄλλ]ο[υς Ἀ]καρ[νᾶνας τ]οὺς βο〚․〛ηθήσαντας μετὰ Φορμίω-

[νος κ]α[ὶ Κα]ρφ[ίνα· καὶ] εἶναι αὐτ̣οῖς, ἕως ἂν κ<α>τέλθωσι-


[ν, ἔγκτησι]ν, [ὧν ἂν] ο[ἰκι]ῶν βούλωνται, οἰκοῦσιν Ἀθήνη-

[σι, ἀτελέσι το͂ μετοι]κ[ί]ου, καὶ διδόναι αὐτοὺς δίκας

[καὶ λαμβάνειν, κα]θ[ά]π̣ερ Ἀθηναῖο[ι], καὶ τὰς εἰσφοράς,

[ἐάν τινες] γ[ίγ]ν[ων]τ[αι], μετὰ Ἀθηναίων εἰσφέρειν, καὶ

[ἐπιμελ]ε̣[ῖσθα]ι [α]ὐ[τῶν τὴ]ν βουλὴν̣ τὴν ἀεὶ βουλεύουσ-


[αν κ]α̣ὶ το[ὺ]ς στρατηγο[ύ]ς, οἳ ἂ[ν] ἀεὶ στρατηγῶσιν, ὅπως

[ἂν μὴ ἀ]δ̣ι[κῶν]ται· [ἀναγρά]ψ[α]ι [δ]ὲ τόδε τὸ ψήφισμα ἐν στ-

[ήληι] λιθί̣ν̣[η]ι τὸ[ν γραμμ]ατέ[α] τῆ̣ς βουλῆς καὶ στῆσαι

[ἐν] ἀκροπό[λε]ι· ἀναγ[ράψ]αι δὲ κ[α]ὶ τὰ ὀνόματα τῶν Ἀκαρ-

[νάν]ων εἰς τὴν αὐτὴ[ν στή]λην ὑπογράψαντα τὰς πόλει-


[ς τ]ῆ̣ς Ἀκαρναν[ίας, ὧν εἷς ἕ]κ[ασ]τός ἐστιν· εἰς δὲ τὴν ἀνα-

γ̣[ρ]αφὴν τῆς στή[λης δοῦνα]ι̣ τὸν ταμίαν τοῦ δήμου τῶι

γ̣[ρ]α̣μμα̣τ̣ε̣ῖ τ[ῆς βουλῆς τ]ρ[ιά]κοντα δραχμὰς ἐκ τῶν κατ-

Testo b:


[ὰ ψ]η̣φίσ[μα]τ̣[α ἀ]-



[νων τῶι δήμωι].


{²in corona:}²



ὁ δῆμος


{²in corona:}²



ὁ δῆμος


Testo a:

1 [---] υλα [---] ἄρχο[ντος, ἐπὶ τῆς [---] ed. pr. | Ἐπὶ [---] ἄρχ[οντος, ἐπὶ τῆς --- ίδος ἐνδεκάτης] Rangabé | ἄρχο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ . ίδος ε ․ ά-] Velsen | [ἐπὶ Χαιρών]δο[υ] ἄρχο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς Πανδιονίδος δ]ε[κ]ά- Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | [ἐπὶ Χαιρών]δου ἄρχο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς Παιδιονίδος δ]ε[κά]- Kirchner | [ἐπὶ Χαιρών]δου ἄρχο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς Παιδιονίδος δ]ε[κ]ά- Tod | [ἐπὶ Χαιρών]δ̣[ου] ἄ̣ρχ̣ο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς Παιδιονίδος δεκά]- Osborne 1981a | [ἐπὶ Χαιρών]δου ἄρχο[ντος ἐπὶ τῆς Παιδιονίδος δεκά]- Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 2 [τῆς πρυταν]είας εἷ Φ[ι ---] ed. pr. | [πρυτα]νείας, ῇ Φ [---] ἐγραμ- Rangabé | [της] π[ρυτα]νείας, ᾗ Φ [---] Velsen | [της πρυτα]νείας, ᾗ Φ[ίλιππος Ἀντιφ ․․․․․13․․․․․․] Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | [της] π[ρυτα]νείας Kirchner, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | [τῆς] π̣[ρυτα]ν̣εία̣ς Osborne 1981a | ἧι Φ[ίλιππος Ἀντιφ ․․․․․13․․․․․․] Kirchner, Tod || 3 [ἐγραμμά]τευε Θαργηλ[ιῶνος ---] ed. pr. | [μά]τευεν, Θαργηλ[ιῶνος --- ῇ --- ῇ Rangabé | [ἐγρ]αμ[μά]τευεν Velsen, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | [ἐγρ]α[μμά]τευεν Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill | Θαργηλ[ιῶνος δευτέραι φθίνοντος ἔ] Michel, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | Θαργηλ[ιῶνος τετράδι φθίνοντος, τρ]- Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Kirchner, Tod | [ἐγρ]α[μμ]ά̣τευεν̣, Θαργηλ[ιῶνος δευτέρ]α̣[ι φθίνοντος, ἕ]- Osborne 1981a || 4 τῆ]ς [π]ρυτανείας τρ[ίτης . . . πεψη ed. pr. | τῆ]ς [π]ρυτανείας, τ[ῶν προέδρων ἐ]πεψή[φιζεν . . . Rangabé | [ίτη]ι Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Kirchner, Tod | [κτη]ι Michel, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | [κτη]ι [τῆ]ς [π]ρυτανείας· Osborne 1981a | τ[ῶν Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill || 5 Ἐρχιεύς· ἔδοξεν τῇ [βουλῇ Κτή]σιππος ed. pr. | . . Ἐρχιεύς. Ἔδοξεν τῆ [βουλῇ, Σώ]σιππος . . . Rangabé | . . . . Ἐρχιεύς· ἔδοξεν τ[ῶ]ι [δήμῳ· . . . . [σιππος Velsen | Ἐρχιε̣ύς Osborne 1981a | ·..ί]σιππος [. . . . . .] Koehler-Kirchhoff | Ἡγή]σι[π]πος Michel | Ἡγή]σιπ̣πος Dittenberger || 6 [Ἐρχι]εὺς εἶπε, περὶ ὧν οἱ Ἀ[καρνά]νες λέγουσ[ι Φορμί- ed. pr. | . . . εὺς εἶπεν. Περὶ ὧν οἱ Ἀκ[αρνᾶν]ες λέγου[σιν Φορ- Rangabé | . . . . . . . εὺς Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff | Ἀ[καρνᾶν]ες λέγου[σιν Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | Ἀ[καρνᾶν]ε̣ς Osborne 1981a || 7 ων καὶ Καρφίνας οἱ πε . . νεω . . . ες δεδόχθα[ι τῷ Δημ- ed. pr. | μί]ων καὶ Καρφίνας, οἱ πεμφθ[έντ]ες, δεδόχθα[ι τῷ δή- Rangabé | [ν]έ[ο]ν Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff | νέ[ον] Osborne 1981a | ἐ[λθόντ]ες Koehler-Kirchhoff || 8 ῳ, ἐπειδὴ Φορμίων καὶ Καρ[φί]νας, ὄντες πατρό[θεν ed. pr. | μ]ῷ. Ἐπειδὴ Φορμίων καὶ Καρ[φί]νας, ὄντες πατρό[θεν- Rangabé | Καρ[φί]νας Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a || 9 Πρόξεν]οι τοῦ Δήμου τοῦ Ἀθηναίων, διαφυλάττουσιν ed. pr. | φίλ]οι τοῦ δήμου τῶ Ἀθηναίων, διαφυλάττουσιν [τὴν Rangabé || 10 τὴν εὔ]νοια[ν], ἣν οἱ πρόγονοι αὐτοῖς παρέδοσαν πρὸς ed. pr. | εὔ]νοια[ν] ἣν οἱ πρόγονοι αὐτοῖς παρέδοσαν πρὸς [τὸν Rangabé | εὔ]νοια[ν] Michel | εὔ]νοιαν̣ Dittenberger | εὔ]ν̣οια[ν], ἣ̣ν Osborne 1981a || 11 τὸν Δῆ]μον τῶν Ἀθηναίων, καὶ νυνὶ βοηθήσαντε[ς ἐ]στάλη- ed. pr. | δ]ῆμον τὸν Ἀθηναίων, καὶ νυνὶ βοηθίσαντε[ς, ἐ]ς τ᾽ἄλ[λα Rangabé | μ]ετὰ Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | δ]ῆ̣μον Osborne 1981a || 12 σαν δικα]ίως συνκατετάττοντο μετὰ Ἀθηναίω[ν καὶ αἴ]τιο[ι ed. pr. | ὀμο]ίως συγκατετάττοντο μετ᾽ Ἀθηναίω[ν, α]ἴτιο[ι Rangabé | καθ᾽]ὅ τι Velsen | καθ]ότι Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger || 13 . . . ατης ὡς παρὰ . . σ . λοι ἐπαινέσαι αὐτο[ὺς] . . σης ed. pr. | πολλῶν ἀγαθῶν γενόμεν]οι, ἐπαινέσαι αὐτο[ὺς ἀμφοτέ- Rangabé | [τρ]ατη[γ]ὸς Koehler-Kirchhoff, Hicks-Hill | [τρ]ατηγὸς Michel, Dittenberger | [τρ]α̣τηγὸς Osborne 1981a | αὐτο[ὺς Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 14 . . . καὶ στεφανῶσαι ἑκάτερον αὐτῶν χρυσ[ῷ σ]τεφ[άνῳ ed. pr. | ρους], καὶ στεφανῶσαι ἑκάτερον αὐτῶν χρυσ[ῷ σ]τεφάνῳ Rangabé | στεφανῶσα̣ι Osborne 1981a | στεφ[ά]- Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne, Osborne 1981a || 15 . . . εἰ . . Φορ[μ]ίωνα τὸν Φορμίωνος, καὶ Καρ[φ]ίν[αν ed. pr. | [καὶ κηρύττει[ν ὄτι] Φορμ̣ίωνα τὸν Φορμίωνος καὶ Καρ[φ]ίνα[ν Rangabé, con la segnalazione di un inizio di integrazione prima della κ di καὶ di cui non è indicata la fine | [ἐπ]ειδὴ Michel, Dittenberger | [ἐ]π̣ειδὴ Osborne 1981a | Φορ[μ]ίωνα Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | Καρ̣[φ]ίν[α] Osborne 1981a || 16 . . . κονοκησα τὸν Ἀθηναῖον ὁ Δῆμος ὁ Ἀθηναίων κ[αὶ ed. pr. | . . κόνο[ν Ἀ]κα[ρνάνα[ς ἐπ]αι[νοῦσι] ὁ δῆμος ὁ Ἀθηναίων κ[αὶ Rangabé, con la segnalazione di un inizio di integrazione prima della ρ di Ἀκαρνάνας di cui non è indicata la fine || 17 . . τ]οῦ στεφανοῦσιν [αὐτ]ους καὶ τὸ Ψήφισμα, καθ’ ὃ ἡ λοιπ[οι ed. pr. | ὄ[τι] στεφανοῦσι [αὐτ]οὺς, καὶ τὸ ψήφισμα καθ’ ὃ οἱ λοιπο[ὶ Rangabé | τ]ο[ὺς] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | [ἐκγό]νους Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff | ἐ[κγό]νους Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | ἐκ[γό]νους Kirchner, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | [π]οίη- Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 18 λέγων Ἀθηναίων, [καὶ στ]ῆσαι ἐν Ἀκροπόλει εἶναι [δὲ] Φορ[μί- ed. pr. | λέγων ἀναθῆναι κ[αὶ στῆσαι ἐν Ἀκροπόλει, εἶ[ναι δὲ] Φορ[μί]- Rangabé, con la segnalazione di un inizio di integrazione prima della α di καὶ di cui non è indicata la fine | ἐγένε[τ]ο, ἀνάγ[ει, σ]τῆσαι Velsen | ἐγένε[τ]ο ἀναγ[έγρ]απται Koehler-Kirchhoff, Hicks-Hill | ἀναγ[έγρ]απται Michel, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | ἀναγέ[γ]ρα̣πται Osborne 1981a || 19 ων[ι καὶ] Καρφί[νᾳ καὶ] τοῖς ἐκγόνοις αὐτῶν Κυρία ed. pr. | ων[ι καὶ] Καρφί[νᾳ καὶ] τοῖς ἐκγόνοις αὐτῶν κυρία Rangabé | καὶ] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | κ]α̣[ὶ] Osborne 1981a || 20 . . . ίαν [ἔδωκ]εν ὁ Δῆμ̣ος Φορμίωνι τῷ πάππῳ, ed. pr. | ὅσα δ]ω[ρε]ὰν [δέδωκ]εν ὁ δῆμ̣ος Φορμίωνι τῷ Πάππῳ, Rangabé | τὴ]ν̣ Osborne 1981a | [ἔδωκ]εν Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod | ἔ[δωκ]εν Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | δῆ[μ]ος Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 21 ἀναγράψαι δὲ αὐτ]οὺς φυλῆς καὶ Δῆμου καὶ φρα- ed. pr. | καὶ γράφεσθαι αὐ]τοὺς φυλῆς καὶ δήμου καὶ φρα- Rangabé | ι α]ὐ[τ]ῶ[ν․ ἑλ]έ[σθα]ι [δὲ α]ὐτοὺ[ς] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill | [ἑλ]έ[σθα]ι δὲ [α]ὑτοὺ[ς] Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | [α]ὐ̣[τ]ῶν· 〚․〛 [ἑλ]έ[σθα]ι Osborne 1981a | φυλὴ[ν] καὶ φρα- Kirchner, con omissione (dimenticanza?) di καὶ δῆμον, riconosciuto come leggibile dalla totalità degli editori || 22 τρίας . . . τῇ πό]λει, καὶ ἐπαινέσαι δὲ καὶ τοὺς ed. pr. | τρίας ἧς ἂν δοκῇ τῇ βουλῇ (?)· καὶ ἐπαινέσαι δὲ καὶ τοὺς Rangabé | [τρίαν, ὧν ἄ]ν Michel, Hicks-Hill | ἂ]ν Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | βο[ύλωνται] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Hicks-Hill | βο[ύλωντα]ι Michel, Dittenberger || 23 [ἄλλους τ]οὺς βοηθήσαντας ed. pr. | λοιποὺς Ἀκαρνάνας] τοὺς βοηθήσαντας Rangabé | Ἀκα]ρ[νᾶνας Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | Ἀ]κ[α]ρ[νᾶνας Kirchner, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | βο[ι]ηθήσαντας Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 24 νος καὶ Καρφίνα, καὶ] εἶναι αὐτοῖς Rangabé | εἶνα[ι] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a | αὐ[τ]οῖς Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | κ]α̣[ὶ Κα]ρφ̣[ίνα Osborne 1981a || 25 οἴκαδε τὰ ἶσα ἐφ᾽οἶς] ἄν βούλωνται οἰκοῦσιν Ἀθήνη- Rangabé | [ν ἔγκτησιν ὧν ἂν] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | ο[ἰκι]ῶ̣ν Osborne 1981a || 26 σι . . . . . . καὶ δοῦναι αὐτοὺς δίκας Rangabé | [σιν ἀτελέσιν μετοι]κ[ί]ου Michel | [σιν, ἀτελέσι τοῦ Hicks-Hill | κα[ὶ] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk | δίκα[ς] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 27 ἐν πᾶσι τοῖς δικαστηρί]οι[ς μ]ε[τ᾽] Ἀθηναί[ω]ν Rangabé | [καὶ τυγχάνειν ἴσ]ο[υ] π[αρ᾽ Ἀθηναίο[υ] Velsen | [καὶ δέχεσθαι ἐξ ἴσ]ο[υ π]αρ' Ἀθηναίο[υ] Michel | [. . . . . . . . . . . . . .] ο [. π]αρ᾽ Ἀθηναίο[υ] Koehler-Kirchhoff | κα]θ[άπε]ρ Kirchner, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | καθάπ]ερ Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | Ἀ̣θηναῖο[ι] Rhodes-Osborne || 28 καὶ τὰς ἐπιδόσεις] μετ᾽ Ἀθηναίων εἰσφέρειν καθ᾽ Rangabé | [ὁπόσαι ἄν] Velsen, Michel, Hicks-Hill | [. . . . . . . .] γ[ίγ]ν[ ̣ νται μ]ετὰ Koehler-Kirchhoff | γ[ίγ]ν[ωνται Velsen, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a | μ]ετὰ Velsen, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 29 ἄ ἄν δόξῃ τάττειν] τὴν βουλὴν τὴν ἀεὶ βουλεύουσ- Rangabé | [ἐπιμελεῖσθα]ι Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | βουλ[ὴν] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | βουλ[ὴ]ν Kirchner, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | βουλὴ̣[ν] Osborne 1981a || 30 αν, καὶ ἔπεσθαι ὅταν] (?) Ἀθηναῖοι στρατηγῶσιν, ὅπως Rangabé | κ]αὶ Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | στρα[τ]ηγο[ύς] Velsen | στρατηγο[ύς] Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod | στρατη̣γο[ύς] Osborne 1981a || 31 οἴκαδε ἀπέλθωσιν ? καὶ ἀναγράψαι δὲ Rangabé | ἀδικῶν]ται Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | ἀ]δ[ικῶν]ται Tod | ἀ]δ̣[ικῶν]τα̣ι Osborne 1981a | ἀ]δι[κῶν]ται Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 32 ήλῃ λ̣ι̣θίνῃ τὸν γραμματέα] Rangabé | λιθ[ίνη]ι Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod | λιθίν[η]ι Kirchner, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | λ̣ιθ[ίνη]ι τ̣ὸ[ν Osborne 1981a | τ[ῆ̣]ς Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff | τ[ῆ]ς Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne || 33 ἐν Ἀκροπόλει· ἀναγράψαι δὲ τὰ Rangabé | ἀ]κροπό[λε]ι Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Osborne 1981a, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | ἀνα̣[γράψ]αι Osborne 1981a || 34 νάνων τὸ]ν ε[ἰς] τὴν ἀ[ναγρ]αφὴν ἀν[αγρά]ψαντα τ[ὰ]ς πόλει[ς Rangabé | αὐτ[ὴν Velsen, Michel, Dittenberger | αἰσ[ὴν στή]λην Hicks-Hill | α̣ὐτὴ[ν στή]λ̣η̣ν ὑπ̣ογρά̣ψα̣ντα Osborne 1981a || 35 γραμματέα ἤ εἴτις ἄλ]λος ἐστιν· Rangabé | τῆ]ς Velsen, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod, Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | τῆ̣]ς Koehler-Kirchhoff | Ἀκαρναν[ίας, ἧς εἷς ἕ]κ[ασ]τός Michel, Hicks-Hill || 36 γραφὴν τῆς στήλης δοῦναι τὸν ταμί[αν τοῦ δήμου τῶν Rangabé | [γρα]φ[ὴ]ν Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod | γ̣[ρ]αφ[ὴ]ν Schwenk | [ρ]αφὴν Rhodes-Osborne, con omissione (dimenticanza?) della γ iniziale | δοῦναι] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod | δοῦνα]ι Schwenk, Rhodes-Osborne | γ̣[ρ]αφὴν̣ τ̣ῆς στ̣ή[λης δοῦνα]ι̣ Osborne 1981a || 37 Ἀθηναίων τεσσαρ]άκοντα δρ[αχμ]ὰς ἐκ τῶν κατ[ὰ Rangabé | [γραμματεῖ] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod | τ]ρ[ιάκ]οντα Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod | τ]ρ[ιά]κοντα̣ Osborne 1981a | [δ]ραχμὰς Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod | [τ]ῶν Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger | τ[ῶ]ν Tod.

Testo b:

a38 ψηφίσματα ἀναλισκομένων Rangabé | [ὰ ψηφίσματα ἀναλισκομένων] τ[ῶι δή]μ[ωι] Velsen, Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Dittenberger, Tod | [ὰ ψηφίσματα ἀναλισκομένων τῶι δήμωι] Kirchner || a40 ὁ δῆ[μ]ο[ς] Koehler-Kirchhoff, Michel, Hicks-Hill, Kirchner, Dittenberger, Tod.

Testo a:
Sotto l’arconte Cheronda, durante la - pritania, per la quale Filippo, figlio di Antifemo, del demo di Ireside era segretario; - [del mese] di Targelione, - della pritania; fra i proedri mise ai voti - del demo di Erchia; il popolo decise; Egesippo, figlio di Egesia, del Sunio presentò la mozione. A proposito delle cose che riferiscono gli acarnani Formione e Karphinas, giunti in città di recente, il popolo ha così deciso. Poiché Formione e Karphinas, essendo amici di lunga data del popolo ateniese, hanno mantenuto la benevolenza che i loro progenitori avevano dimostrato nei confronti del popolo ateniese, e, correndo in aiuto con un esercito, si schierarono con gli Ateniesi, poiché lo stratego aveva chiesto aiuto, [il popolo ha deciso] di lodarli per il valore e di incoronare ciascuno di loro con una corona d’oro; e dal momento che il popolo ateniese ha concesso la cittadinanza ateniese a Formione, il nonno di Formione e Karphinas, e anche ai suoi discendenti, e che il decreto con cui questo è stato fatto è stato iscritto ed esposto sull’Acropoli, la concessione che il popolo ha fatto al loro nonno Formione sia valida anche per Formione e Karphinas e per i loro discendenti; ed essi scelgano la tribù e il demo e la fratria cui desiderano appartenere; e [il popolo ha stabilito] di ringraziare anche gli altri Acarnani che sono venuti in aiuto insieme a Formione e Karphinas: godano essi, finché non faranno ritorno in patria, del diritto di possedere casa ovunque lo desiderino, mentre vivono ad Atene siano esentati dal pagamento della tassa dovuta dai meteci, e godano del diritto di ricorrere al tribunale come fossero Ateniesi, e di pagare come i cittadini le eisphorai, se dovessero essercene; si prendano cura di loro sia la boule che sia di volta in volta in carica sia gli strateghi di volta in volta in carica, affinché non subiscano mai ingiustizia; il segretario della boule faccia iscrivere questo decreto su una stele di marmo e la faccia collocare sull’Acropoli; faccia iscrivere sulla stessa stele anche i nomi degli Acarnani, con sotto l'indicazione delle città dell’Acarnania da cui provengono; e per l’incisione della stele il tesoriere del popolo eroghi al segretario della boule 30 dracme, attingendole dal fondo per i decreti a disposizione del popolo.
Testo b:
Col. 2
il popolo
Col. 3
il popolo

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Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
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IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
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Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Schwenk, Athens Alexander = Schwenk, C.J. (ed.) (1985). Athens in the Age of Alexander. Chicago.
Rhodes - Osborne, GHI = Rhodes, P.J.; Osborne, R (eds.) (2003). Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Osborne, Naturalization I = Osborne, M.J. (ed.) (1981). Naturalization in Athens, I. Brussels (Verhandelingen van de Kon. Acad. voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren 43 no. 98). (1981a)
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.
Tod, GHI II = Tod, M.N. (a cura di) (1948). A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions II. From 403 to 323 B.C. Oxford.
Rangabé, Ant. hell. 2 = Rangabé, A.R. (a cura di) (1855). Antiquités helléniques 2. Athens (
Velsen, A. von (1856). «21. Februar. Gesammtsitzung der Akademie». MBAB, 115-127.
Michel, Recueil = Michel, C. (éd.) (1897-1900). Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Brussels (
IG II².1.2 = Kirchner, J. (ed.) (1916). Inscriptiones Graecae. Voll. II et III, Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Part 1, fasc. 2, Decrees and Sacred Laws. Ed altera. Berlin (nos. 1-1369 in fasc. 1 e 2).
IG II.1 = Koehler, U.; Kirchhoff, A. (edd.) (1877). Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Euclidis annum et Augusti tempora Part I. Berlin (nos. 1-641).
Hicks, Hill GHI² = Hicks, E.L.; Hill, G.F. (eds.) (1901). A Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions. Oxford Second edition. (
Syll.³ I = Dittenberger, W. (ed.) (1915-1924). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, Bd. I, 3. Ausg. Leipzig.

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